Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Ants Go Marching On And On, Hurrah

Law #3: In any line, whoever is directly in front of you will be the weakest link.
I grew up in Catholic School.  Reflecting upon that today, it dawned on me how militaristic the nuns were about walking in a straight line.  We'd spend a half hour literally not going anywhere until we had a straight line.  So I've therefore been imparted with an almost neurotic sense of what a line should encompass.  Turns out that the line is not so sacred to everyone else.

Now I would like to defend the sanctity of the line at any given opportunity, but unfortunately that requires everyone else to be with me on it.  That said, the person directly in front of me has always and probably will always be the weakest link.  I'm not just referring to traffic.  I mean any line.  Ever been in line with someone who won't physically stand in the line but will hover outside it marking their spot?  I have.  Ever had someone merge into your line from another while claiming it was the same line?  Yeah, been there done that.  Someone leaving a line and then returning just when it's your turn claiming they only went to pick up one more thing?  Almost got in a fist fight over that one.

Point is, you can't defend the line when the line doesn't care to be defended.  Unfortunately waiting in lines is a part of life (unless you're mega-rich then you wait for no man).  There are shortcuts though.  Thank goodness for the Internet.

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