Friday, December 14, 2012


Law #8:  There's never really going to be a good time to post anything on social media.
Available they don't sue me for borrowing their pic.
There's a tragedy right now in America.  27 people, mostly children, were shot and killed at a Connecticut Elementary School.  Rightfully there is a lot of sadness, grief and anger over what has happened.  Just check your social media wall and see for yourself. 

Now this is a despicable crime and personally I think we should reconsidering bringing back the guillotine just for this guy but that's not what this post is really about.  It's about all the other folks who use social media and are posting right now and have no idea this all just happened.  They're going to look back at what they were posting at this very moment totally unaware of what tragedy has transpired and they're gonna feel like total douches for posting what they posted.

There just isn't ever going to be an appropriate time for posting the stuff you normally post on social media.  Heck, I'm not even sure what I'm posting now is appropriate.  When you're posting how much fun you're having fun doing something, someone else on your list is going to be posting that a relative just died.  When you're posting how much agony you're in because you burned your hand on the stove someone else on your list is going to posting just how good the food is at that new teppanyaki place.

Your time is always going to suck...and that's ok.  People didn't add you to their social media list for you to be appropriate all the time and cheer them up and be that one sunshiny bright spot on the web for them.  They did it because they want to stay in touch with you and what's going on in your life.

Right now, it's ok to mourn.  But if you look back on what you were posting not knowing what was going on you shouldn't feel bad about that.  Don't apologize either.  You were just being you and that's all we ever asked for.

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