Friday, December 7, 2012

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Law #6: You spend way too much time asserting your importance in the natural order of things.
Humans, I dare say, must be the most arrogant beings in the universe.  As a testament to that, me just saying that proves it.  We get so caught up in minor issues that we end up sweating really small stuff and blowing them up into monuments.  We are dust motes, living on a dust more, in a solar system dust mote, in a galaxy dust on and so forth.  There is a universe larger and grander than any of us could ever imagine but we mount huge protests against clothes for dogs.

I'm reminded of an episode of Weird Science when Wyatt was stressing over asking a girl out when he got sage advice from a fictional Albert Einstein.
The universe is a vast, expanding furnace of matter and energy.  Relative to this you are infinitely small and insignificant.  Your actions: ultimately meaningless.  The universe is still going to expand.  Nothing you do will change that.  You are still going to die.
We tend to think that planets burst into flames and black holes engulf whole solar systems based on our actions when ultimately the universe doesn't really care what we do on our little dust mote.  This quote gave Wyatt the courage to ask that girl out because he realized that even if she said no the world doesn't end.  His world doesn't end.  And time is too short to even dwell on failure.


  1. Oh My God!! As I was reading the beginning of this, the first thing that popped into my head was that exact scene in Weird Science. My mind is blown just a bit in this moment. Thanks for the reminder that I am a mere dust mote in the whole scheme of things. Oh and welcome to the blog side.

  2. Thanks Kimolisa. Imagine my disappointment upon hearing that only the first 2 seasons are available on DVD. Netflix needs to get on this.
